Public Health Engineering Department
Disclosures Under Sec 4 of Right to Information Act 2005 Public Health Engineering Department Right to information and obligations of public authorities Sec 4 (1)(b) of RTI Act 2005 (i) The particulars of its organisation, functions and duties. Click here (ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees. Click here (iii) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability; Click here (iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions; Click here (v) The rules, regulations, instructions, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions; Click here (vi) a statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control; Click here (vii) the particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; Click here (viii) a statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; Click here (ix) a directory of its officers and employees; Click here (x) the monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations. Click here (xi) the budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; Click here (xii) the manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; Click here (xiii) particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it; Click here (xiv) details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; Click here (xv) the particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; Click here (xvi) the names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; Click here (xvii) such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year; Click here —————————————————————————– |
Public Health Engineering Department, Nagaland
- Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties
The Nagaland State Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) is the Nodal Agency for
implementation of Water Supply and Sanitation schemes, both of the Govt. Of India (GOI) and the State Govt. programmes.
The “Right to Information Bill, 2004” was passed by both the houses of Parliament in May 2005 and received the assent of the President of India on the 15th June , 2005, following which the “Right to Information Act, 2005” was published in the Gazette of India on the 21st June, 2005.
The objective of this hand book is to provide basic information on the department, its functions and duties, the powers and duties of its Officers and employees, Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and records for discharging its functions etc. in order to provide access to information to the citizens, to promote transparency and accountability in administration.
This Disclosure handbook has been prepared with a view to provide citizens’ access to information, on the activities, of the PHED.
Objective, purpose of the public authority : The Nagaland State Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) is the Nodal Agency for implementation of Water Supply and Sanitation schemes, both of the Govt. Of India (GOI) and the State Govt. programmes.
Mission/Vision Statement of the Public Authority : The mission of the department is to ensure safe potable drinking water to the citizens of the state. The vision statement of the PHED is
“Sustainable safe Drinking Water Supply and
Environmental Hygiene for ensuring Health
for all inhabitants of the State”.
Brief History of the public authority : The department was under the then State PWD, till 1974, as a Water Supply Wing. It was bifurcated from the PWD on 5th May 1974 and was then headed by a Superintending Engineer till 1983. The Head of Department was up graded to that of Additional Chief Engineer in July 1983. A Circle was created at Mokokchung in 1984 and then at Kohima in 1986. The Head of Department was subsequently up graded to that of Chief Engineer in 1990. One more Circle was created at Kohima in 2000, by up gradation of one post of Executive Engineer (Design) of PHE Directorate, Kohima. The PHED is now headed by a Chief Engineer. The other sub ordinate authorities include one Addl. Chief Engineer, three working circles, each headed by a Superintending Engineer, thirteen working divisions, each headed by an Executive Engineer, one central Store Division and 43 working sub divisions, each headed a Sub Divisional Officer.
The PHED has also two enabling support cells, both sponsored by the GOI, namely Water and Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO), headed by one Director (in the rank of Addl. Chief Engineer), supported by one Executive Engineer and two Assistant Engineers. Another support cell is the Monitoring & Investigation Cell (M & I Cell), headed by a Superintending Engineer, supported by two Executive Engineers and two Assistant Engineers.
Duties of the public authority: The PHED implements Water Supply as well as Sanitation
schemes and it is the duty of the department to identity the need for these services. The department therefore identifies the need, prepares project report, pursues for financial sanction, implements, commissions, hands over the scheme to the beneficiary for Operation & maintenance ( O & M) or does the O & m works for satisfactory delivery of the services of drinking water supply and sanitation.
Main activities/function of the public authority: The main activities of the department, are Survey and Investigation, Collection of Technical Data, Planning, Design, Preparation of Feasibility and Detailed Project Reports, Implementation of scheme and post commissioning Operation and Maintenance. The PHED implements Rural and Urban Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation schemes under various programs such as National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), State Plan, SBM, NLCPR DONER etc. The department also implements water quality schemes, such as installation of Iron Removal Plant (IRP) under the Sub Mission Programme of Govt of India. In like manner the department also implements Sanitation projects, such as construction of Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) under the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) programme.
The PHED, has also pursued the the Nagaland Communitization of Public Institutions and Services Act , 2002 and has communitised 1386 Rural Drinking Water Supply Schemes, between 2005-2013. Communitisation is the empowerment to the beneficiary by way of transfer of ownership and responsibility, for O & M of the water supply and sanitation schemes. This communitisation initiative has so far been concentrated to the rural areas.
The PHED also levies water tax from the urban water consumers; but the department is more of a Welfare Service nature and hence the Water Tax Rates are very nominal. The Water tax so collected goes into the State Govt. exchequer, by way of remittances into the treasury. It is therefore seen that the PHED is an Implementing as well as Revenue-Earning department.
List of services being provided by the public authority with a brief write -up on them:
The department provides services in drinking water supply and sanitation.
Drinking water supply service is given to both urban as well as rural habitations. The implementation of water supply schemes is done under various programmes of Central and State govts. The Central programmes are National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), Sub Mission, Water Quality Monitoring, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), SBM(G) and DONER. Drinking Water Supply schemes are implemented under NRWSP and Swajaldhara. The Swajaldhara is a sustainability programme, for sustaining available facilities and installations and it is required that the beneficiary village must contribute 10% of the project cost which can be in kind to the extent of 5% and the remaining in cash. Sub Mission programme is for water quality improvement. In Nagaland this programme is pursued in the foothill areas of Dimapur and is being extended to Wokha, Mokokchung and Mon districts along the Assam Nagaland border; where the water contains high level of iron. Hence Iron Removal Plants (IRP) are installed for iron- removal. Water Quality Monitoring programme is for data collection and monitoring of water quality, so as to identity any content, in water, which is hazardous to health. Whenever required the department for Development of North East Region (DONER) also extends financial support to water supply implementation effort.
Sanitation schemes are implemented under various programmes, mostly under the Central govt. Under GOI sponsorship a Sewerage scheme is ongoing at Dimapur which is for abatement of pollution to rivers Dhansiri and Diphu. This scheme is meant to set up sewer treatment plant so that the two rivers are not polluted with harmful contaminants. Sanitation schemes are also
pursued under the Total Sanitation Campaign; in which scheme for solid waste extradition and construction of Integrated Household Latrine (IHHL) are implemented. Solid waste extradition is by way of construction of Litter/Dust bins and then extradition of the collected wastes. IHHL is constructed by way of cost sharing in the ratio of 60:28:18 (60% centre: 20% state: 20 % beneficiary).
- Rural Water Supply.
Schemes for providing drinking water supply to rural villages/ habitations are taken up under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Government of India, funded jointly by the Central (90%) and State (10%) Governments. It aims to provide safe drinking water to all habitations/ households/ population in rural India, including government schools and Anganwadis, public buildings etc. in rural areas.
- Urban Water Supply Schemes
Urban water supply schemes taken up by the Department are funded by various Central Government Ministries such as Urban Development and DoNER with 90:10 (Central and State) funding pattern.
- Urban Sewerage and Sanitation.
It aims at disposing off solid and liquid waste through interventions such as (a) collection of liquid wastes by a network of sewers and imparting treatment processes to improve the of water and (b) provision of domestic sewer connections and environment friendly management of solid and liquid wastes.
- Environmental Improvement & Sustainable Conservation of Lakes under National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP).
The project is targeted to conserve the lakes which can be sources of drinking water as well as for recreational activities such as angling and boating.
- Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin).
This Mission aims at improving the level of cleanliness in rural areas through Solid and Liquid Waste Management activities and making Gram Panchayats/villages Open Defecation Free (ODF), clean and sanitary.
Organisational Structure Diagram at various levels namely State, directorate, region district, block ect (whichever is applicable): The organizational structure of the PHE department is like any other state department, with State level Administration headed by the Secretary, the Directorate level headed by the Chief Engineer, the Circle level, consisting of several divisions, headed by a Superintending Engineer and the District level offices each headed by the Executive Engineer. There is no Block level structure; but the Sub Divisional level set up is headed by a Sub Divisional officer, which may consist of several blocks in the rural sector. The post of Executive Director Human Resource Development (HRD) was created in 2001, now WSSO. As of July 2014 the Nagaland PHED has a total of 1629 Regular employees and 2279 Work Charged employees.
The Organisational diagram/organogram is appended as Annexure C:
Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency: Whethergovt department or any other organization is for the service or consumption of the masses or public and hence the department/organization invariably requires the co operation and support of the public. In the case of drinking water supply and sanitation the support and co operation of the public are needed in the following ways:
a).Water consumers need to understand that the water supply system is for the benefit of the people and hence the people need to constantly co operate with the water works personnel in the implementation and maintenance of the water supply and sanitary schemes.
b). Any land dispute is a hindrance to the implementation of any scheme. To overcome such hindrances the water sources must be freely handed over to the department for implementing water supply schemes.
c). The right of way for laying pipelines and component installations such as water tanks, meter houses, etc are needed to be given, for speedy implementation of projects and maintenance works.
d). Any breakages need to be immediately reported to the department personnel and to extend all possible help by the public in rectifying the damage, instead of lodging complaint with an attitude of supply-approach.
e). Whenever and wherever applicable consumers must pay the water fee in time because it is the revenue with which the govt functions.
f). The people need to understand that polluting the water sources is equal to polluting ourselves and hence water sources need to be protected against any pollution so that potability of drinking water is ensured.
g). Water sources are the outflow of the trapped rainwater that has infiltrated into the soil. Hence catchments of water sources need to be conserved and deforestation must be checked.
h). Sanitary practices enhance our health and hence human excreta and other waste materils must properly be disposed off. Open defecation and throwing waste materials at random need to be checked.
i). Water consumers need to be aware of the departmental rules such as the Water Consumer Rules 1998 so that they know whether it is the department or the consumer who is responsible, when any controversy arise.
j). The concept of Public Private Partnership (PPP) is needed to be understood by consumers so that instead of the blame-game teamwork enhances efficiency of all.
Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation/contribution: Public participation and contribution in the programmes of the PHE already existing, as follows:
a). the programme of Communitisation of water supply and sanitation calls for handing over of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) works to the Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) committees. Communitisation of rural water supply and sanitation has started since 2005-06. After completion of rural communitisation urban communitisation will be initiated, vide also Manual 2.6, above.
c) In the Total sanitation Campaign programme, cost sharing is in the ratio of 60:28:12 (60% centre: 28% state: 12 % beneficiary), vide Manual 2.6, above.
Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and public grievance resolution:
At the Directorate level there is a Cell of Monitoring & Investigation; which deals with the data base of all departmental activities. Hence any information on the activities of the department can be asked from the cell. Public grievances are normally attended to, at the District level, at the divisional office; public grievances are entertained at all levels; depending on the nature of the grievance. The PHE department is also a revenue earning department and hence consumers are listed by way of registration as a bonafide consumer. Hence the word “public” can be interpreted as a registered consumer and not as the common public as a whole.
Addresses of the main office and other offices at different levels.
Sl No | Name of office/district | Name of office & address |
1 | PHED Secretariat, Nagaland, Kohima | Nagaland Secretariat, South Wing, Kohima- 797 001 |
2 | PHE Directorate, Nagaland, Kohima | Office of the Chief Engineer, PHE, Nagaland Below New Secretariat Complex, Kohima, Pin 797 001 |
3. | Kohima Circle (incharge of Kohima, Phek, Wokha & Kiphire) | Office of the Superintending Engineer, PHE Kohima Circle No.I Near Head Post Office, Kohima. Pin 797 001 |
4 | Dimapur Circle (incharge of Dimapur, Peren & Mon) | Office of the Superintending Engineer, PHE Dimapur Circle |
5 | Mokokchung Circle, Mokokchung (incharge of Mokokchung, Tuensang, Longleng & Zunheboto) |
Office of the Superintending Engineer, PHE Mokokchung Circle, Near Dy Commissioner’s Office, Mokokchung. Pin 798601 |
6 | Kohima Urban Division, Kohima | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Kohima Urban Division, Near Head Post Office, Kohima. Pin 797 001 |
7 | Kohima Rural Division, Kohima | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Kohima Rural Division, Near Head Post Office, Kohima. Pin 797 001 |
8 | Dimapur Urban Division, Dimapur |
Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Dimapur Urban Division, Supply Colony, Dimapur. Pin 797 112 |
9 | Dimapur Rural Division, Dimapur |
Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Dimapur Rural Division, Dimapur. Pin 797 112 |
10 | Central Store Division, Dimapur | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Central Division, Dimapur. Pin 797 112 |
11 | Peren Division, Peren | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Peren Division, Peren Pin 797 101 |
12 | Phek Division, Phek | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Phek Division, Phek Pin 797 108 |
13 | Kiphire Division, Kiphire | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Kiphire Division, Kiphire – 798611 |
14 | Zunheboto Division, Zbto | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Zunheboto Division, Zunheboto – 798 620 |
15 | Wokha Division, Wokha | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Wokha Division, PWD Office Hill, Wokha. Pin 797 111 |
16 | Mokokchung Division, Mkg | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Mokokchung Division, Near Dy Commissioner’s Office, Mokokchung Pin 798601 |
17 | Tuensang Division, Tuensang | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Tuensang Division, Near Dy Commissioner’ Official Residence, Tuensang. Pin 798 612 |
18 | Mon Division, Mon | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Mon Division, Mon. Pin 798621 |
19 | ||
Longleng Division, Longleng | Office of the Executive Engineer, PHE Longleng Division, Longleng | |
2.12. The Office existing timings, are
Summer : 9:30 Am to 4:30 PM
Winter : 9:00 Am to 4:00 PM
Powers & Duties of Officers & Employees:
The Officers of the State PHED are mostly technical and are professional engineers. The Administrative and Financial powers, of these officers and employees, are governed by the CPWD and the Nagaland PWD Code. The Chief Engineer has Full power for according Technical sanction and for Accepting tenders, and the sub ordinate officers have delegated powers commensurate with each status. The Administrative power is with the Secretariat, the Administrative Head.
The nomenclature of the Accounting system of the PHED is like that of any other Engineering department and is as per the CPWD Code.
The delegation of financial and cognate powers to the different levels of officers, of the department, are seen in the Nagaland PWD Code.
Sl No | Name & Designation of officer | Powers & Duties of officer | ||
1 | Secretary, PHED, Nagaland, Kohima | Powers: i.Administrative Head and overall Administration ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers and accords Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanctions, to works. iii. Other powers are those are of administrative nature, which may arise from time to time
2 | Chief Engineer, PHED, Nagaland, Kohima | Powers: i. Administrative powers are for establishment matters and overall supervision, within the department. ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers, as per NPWD Code, Annexure C, and accords Technical Sanctions, issues work and supply orders for works. iii. Other powers are those that may be directed by the govt, from time to time
that works are carried out in time. |
3. | Addl Chief Engineer, PHE Directorate, Nagaland, Kohima. | i. Administrative powers are for establishment matters, of the department, in management of Regular and Work Charged employees, such as recruitment against regular vacancies, promotion, transfer and posting, regularization of work charged employees, administrative supervision, within the department. ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers, as per NPWD Code, Annexure C, and accords Technical approval, for works and issues supply orders for works under Communitisation. Specific assignment given for supervision of Communitisation of Rural water supply and Sanitation. iii. Other powers are those that may be directed by the govt, from time to time
supervision and to oversee that all assigned works, under |
4 | Addl Chief Engineer & Director, (WSSO), PHE, Directorate, Kohima. | i. Administrative powers are limited, except for deployment of personnel for works, under his charge. ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers, as per NPWD Code, Annexure C, and accords Technical approval, for works and issues supply orders for works under his charge, as has been specifically assigned the works of Total Sanitation Campaign, Swajaldhara, Water Quality Monitoring, IEC Campaigns and Capacity Building. iii. Other powers are those that may be directed by the govt, from time to time Duties: Constant executive supervision and to oversee that all assigned works, under his charge, are carried out in time. |
5 | Superintending Engineer (Monitoring & Investigation Cell), PHED, Directorate, Kohima. | i. Administrative powers are limited, except for deployment of personnel for works, under his charge.ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers, as per NPWD Code, Annexure C, and functions as the Drawing and Disbursing Officer, for the PHE Directorate, accords sanctions for Non Refunndable & Refundable Withdrawal of GPF, for the entire department.iii. Other powers are those that may be directed by the govt, from time to time iv.Duties: Preparation of Annual Action Plans, Compilation of Survey & Investigation data base, setting of technical norms and rates, Monitoring of Physical and Financial Progress of works, etc and to supervision and to oversee that all assigned works, under his charge, are carried out in time. |
6 | Superintending Engineer, PHED Kohima(incharge of Kohima, Phek, Wokha & Kiphire) Dimapur(incharge of Dimapur, Peren & Mon) Mokokchung Circle (incharge of Mokokchung, Tuensang, Longleng & Zunheboto) |
Powers: i. Administrative powers are for establishment matters and overall supervision, within the circle.ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers, as per NPWD Code, and accords approval to working estimates and, issues work and supply orders for works, within the delegated powers, for the works within the circle.iii. Other powers are those that may be directed by the govt or Head of department, from time to time Duties: Constant technical and executive supervision, within the Circle, and to oversee that works are carried out in time. |
9 | Executive Engineer, PHE, Kohima Urban Division, Kohima Kohima Urban/ Kohima Rural/ Dimapur Urban/ Dimapur Rural/ Dimapur Store/ Wokha/ Zunheboto/ Peren/ Phek/ Mon/ Tuensang/ Kiphire/ Mokokchung/ Longleng Division |
ii. Financial powers are as per the delegated powers, as per NPWD Code, and accords approval to working estimates
iii. Other powers are those that may be directed by the govt or |
The Administrative Head is the Secretary to the govt , PHE, and the Executive Head of the Department is the Chief Engineer and decision making process is carried out at various levels, as per the delegated powers of the various ranks. The delegated powers, of the Executive officers (engineers) are as per NPWD Code, as well as in compliance of govt Notifications/Memorandums issued from time to time. The NPWD Code is appended as Annexure C.
The programme and policy decisions are made at the Administrative level, with the help of the Executive officers. Such policy decisions taken are passed down to the Circle and the Division. The Circle and Divisional authorities direct their respective Sub Divisional and sub ordinates to carry out the implementation of the policies. The grass root level, of implementation of plans, is the division where the survey and feasibility studies are carried out at the ground. As per feasibility and requirements of resources, the project Reports (estimates) are prepared and Administrative Sanction and Expenditure Sanctions are obtained, following which Technical Sanctions are accorded by the Executive Head, the Chief Engineer. After the necessary sanctions and approvals the funds and materials are released to the divisions. The funds are usually released in installments and schemes are implemented in phases, as per resource availability. The Divisional Head, the Executive Engineer, is the DDO and makes all payments and hence maintains records of all financial and material transactions. These records are audited by the Accountant General, Nagaland, at regular intervals. The Divisional Engineer is therefore accountable for all financial and material transactions made through the division. The schemes are implemented under the vigil and supervision of the Circle in charge, the Superintending Engineer, who inspects and gives technical and codal guidance to the implementing engineers. Whenever necessary, especially in the implementation of major projects, the apex executive authorities also periodically inspect and supervise at the work site.
The Annual Works Programme is printed and circulated down to the Divisional and sub divisional levels and hence access by public is made possible, by circulation of the Annual Works Programme.
The Sub Divisional Engineer manages the manpower under his charge, supervises works at site, prepares working estimates, places indents for materials and collects such materials for schemes under his charge, maintains Site accounts of materials for each ongoing scheme, prepares bills of work contractors, prepares bills of work charged employees and pays them, etc.
It is therefore seen that the Divisional and Sub Divisional Officers are directly involved in implementation of works, at the grass root level and hence are directly responsible.
Information sheet on decision making is appended below
Sl No | Subject on which decision is to be taken |
Guideline/Direction, if any |
Process of execution | Designation of officers involved in decision making | Contact information of above mentioned officers | If not satisfied by decision, where and how to appeal |
1 | Policy Making | Rule of Executive business | Chief Engineer recommends to Secretary | Secretary and Chief Engineer | Secretary Chief Engineer |
Secretary & Chief Engineer |
2 | Planning | Chief Engineer recommends to Secretary | Secretary and Chief Engineer | — do — | — do– | |
3 | Budgeting | Chief Engineer recommends to Secretary, with assistance of Sr Accounts Officer. | Secretary and Chief Engineer | —do — Sr. Accounts Officer |
— do — | |
4 | Establishment matters | NO.PHE/1/7/2003 dated 7/9/2006 | Addl Chief Engineer recommends to the Secretary, who takes final decision. | Secretary and Addl Chief Engineer | Secretary — do — Addl Chief Engineer |
Secretary and Addl Chief Engineer |
5 (a) | Scheme Implementation : Administrative | Chief Engineer recommends to Secretary | Secretary | Secretary — do — | ||
5 (b) | Scheme Implementation : Technical | All Sub Ordinate Officers assist the Chief Engineer | Chief Engineer | Chief Engineer — do —Others : | Chief Engineer | |
6 | Administration & Record Keeping | All Sub Ordinate Officers assist the Chief Engineer | Chief Engineer, Addl Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers, Executive Engineers, Senior Accounts Officer, Sub Divisional engineers, Junior Engineers etc assisted by sub ordinate employees | Chief Engineer/ Addl Chief Engineers |
7 | Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) | NO.PHE/1/7/2003 dated 7/9/2006 | Executive Director, WSSO, recommends to Secretary | Secretary & Executive Director, WSSO | Secretary — do — Director, WSSO |
Secretary & Executive Director, WSSO |
All Executive powers as well as record keeping are as per the codes and nomenclatures of the Nagaland PWD Code |
Norms set for by it for the discharge of its functions:
The norms set for the discharge of the functions of the departmental authorities at different levels are the set up consisting of the Administration, the different Executive grades of authorities/engineers, the field officers supported by sub ordinate officials and the Ministerial establishment. The overall Administration is by the Secretariat, the Executive Head is the Chief Engineer supported by the different levels of officers/engineers, the sub ordinate field authorities and the fields staff. The different sections of the Office establishments are each placed under the supervisory control of an appropriate officer, who in turn is supported by the sub ordinate officials and the Ministerial staff.
The administrative functions, all correspondence, technical designs and analysis, DPR preparation, managerial works, passing bills of contractors/suppliers and payments, accounting, record keeping, auditing and works on matters of establishment are done in the offices.
When administrative and other codal formalities are complete, the action plans are implemented, through the different levels of implementing authorities, in the field. The progress vigilance and monitoring works are also done at different levels, by way of submission of Monthly and Annual Progress Reports from the concerned divisions. When a scheme or work is completed, it is commissioned, closed and the Operation and Maintenance (O & M) works are taken over by the appropriate authority/body.
Sl No. | Name/Title of document | Brief Description of document | Source from which to obtain |
1 | NPWD Code 1970 | Code of practice of Engineering departments, powers of different authorities etc | The Chief Engineer, PHE, Nagaland, Below New Secretariat Complex-797 001. Also appended in this Disclosure write up. Rs.150/- per copy |
2 | The Model Rules of Communitisation | Rules, Modalities, Guidelines, etc for Communitisation Rural W/S and Sanitation | The Chief Engineer, PHE. Also appended in this Disclosure. write up. Rs.50/- per copy |
3 | GOI NRDWP guideline | Rules, Modalities, Guidelines, etc for Rural Water Supply scheme under centrally sponsored Rural W/S programme. | The Chief Engineer, PHE, Nagaland, Below New Secretariat Complex, Kohima-797 001. Not available for sale |
4 | Nagaland Directorate Ministerial Service Rules | Rules and Regulations for Directorate Ministerial Service, Nagaland. | The Chief Engineer, PHE, Nagaland, Below New Secretariat Complex, Kohima-797 001. Not available for sale. |
5 | Water Consumer Rules | Code of practice of Engineering departments, powers of different authorities etc | The Chief Engineer, PHE, Nagaland, Below New Secretariat Complex, Kohima-797 001. Not available for sale. |
A Statement of the Categories of documents that are held by it or under its control:
Sl No |
Category of the document | Name of the document & its introduction in one line | Procedure to obtain the document |
Held by under control of |
1 | Govt Executive Rules | Nagaland PWD Code | From office of PHE Directorate, Kohima. Copy on payment of Rs.150/- per copy | Addl Chief Engineer |
2 | Govt Establishment Rules |
Nagaland Engineering Service Rules 2006 | Can be shown on request. Extra Copy not available for sale | Addl Chief Engineer |
3 | Govt establishment Rules |
Directorate Ministerial Service Rules 2006 | Can be shown on request. Extra Copy not available for sale | Addl Chief Engineer |
4 | Department establishment | Regular Employees Census Report | Can be shown on request. If copy required, on payment of Rs.2/- per page | Establishment of PHE Directorate, Kohima, under Addl Chief Engineer |
5 | Department establishment | Work Charged Employees Census Report with Category wise Seniority | Can be shown on request. If copy required, on payment of Rs.2/- per page | Establishment of PHE Directorate, Kohima, under Addl Chief Engineer |
6 | Govt Rules | Govt of Nagaland Compilation of Important Notifications, Orders and Instructions issued by various departments Volume III, published by P&AR in 1992 (hard copy only |
Can be shown on request. Extra Copy not available for sale | Addl Chief Engineer |
7 | Deptt. Of Accounts | Directoriate of Treasuries & Accounts Service Rules | From Directoriate of Treasuries & Accounts Kohima | Director of Treasuries & Accounts Nagaland |
5.1. Formulation of policy : Formulation of policy(ies) is usually done by the Government of India or the State Government, at the highest levels. How ever, Directorate, Circle, Divisional, Sub Divisional and Section offices are open to all consultations by public, for joint formulation of action plans, implementation of projects and awareness appraisals. The outcome of such consultations/grievances presentations are transmitted to the Administration and policy makers. Hence public participation is indirectly reflected in policy decisions, by way of recommendations.
5.2. Implementation of policy: The following programmes/arrangements, for seeking consultation/ participation of public or its representatives, in implementation of policies, are available through the PHE:
Sl No. | Subject/topic | Is it mandatory to ensure public participation (Yes/NO) |
Arrangement for seeking public participation |
1 | Communitisation of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (in pursuance of State Govt Act 2 of 2002 for communitisation of public institutions and services) |
Yes | MOU is executed by beneficiary village/habitation Council. Then WATSAN Committee is formed. Operation and Maintenance work handed over to the WATSAN Committee. Grant in aid is given by govt to WATSAN Committee, from time to time. This is to empower the beneficiary to own and maintain its own w/s/ and sanitary services. |
2 | Total Sanitation Campaign, for construction of Individual Household Latrine. Centrally Sponsored programme (GOI programme) | Yes | Scheme for construction of Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) is sanctioned and given to targeted villages and individual households are given financial and technical assistance. The fund sharing is GOI: State: Beneficiary (60%:20%: 20%), as on date. |
3 | Swajaldhara Rural Water Supply programme (GOI programme) | Yes | This is a Centrally sponsored sustainability rural water supply programme, where in the fund sharing is GOI: Beneficiary (90%:10%), as on date. |
4 | Nirmal Gram Puraskar (GOI programme) |
Yes | This is a Centrally sponsored Sanitation Award programme, for rural habitations. The Sanitary conditions of the habitation is verified and it is ensured that the norms set by the sponsors (GOI) are met such as availability of sanitary facility in households, schools, anganwati centre, Community health centre etc. The state PHE recommends the list of awardees and is crosschecked by a third expert party, from outside the state. The one time award carries a commendation Certificate, Souvenir and cash award ( amount as per number of households in the village). This programme is a Motivational initiative to encourage good sanitation. |
There are various Committees such as the following:
Name & address of Body | 1. A Screening Committee for Recruitment of Grade IV Employees | 2. Departmental Selection Board for filling up vacancies of Grade III, due to retirement | 3. District Communitisation Monitoring Committee | 4. Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) Committees |
Type of body | 1.Departmental | 2. Governmental | 3. Semi governmental | 4. Village elected Committee |
Brief introduction of body | 1. Committee of departmental officials | 2. Board of government officials | 3. Representatives of PHE, several government departments and an NGO representative | 4. Representatives of village khels with at least one woman representative |
Role of affiliated body | 1.Examines vacancy position and applications for appointment, recommends and obtains approval by Secy . | 2. to examine vacancy position and scrutinize applications for approval to recruitment to the vacant posts. | 3. to examine & monitor the functioning of WATSAN Committees | 4. To look after O & M of water and sanitation within the village |
Structure & member composition | 1.Consists of Chairman, Members & Member Secy |
2. Consists of Chairman, Members & Member Secy |
3. Consists of Chairman, Members & Member Secy |
4. Consists of Chairman, with a representative from each khel as members & Member Secretary |
Head of body | 1. Addl. Chief Engineer, PHED | 2. Secretary, PHE | 3. Concerned PHE Circle Engineer |
4. Elected Chairman |
Address of main office | 1. PHE Directorate, Below New Secretariat Complex, Khima 797001 | 2. PHE Department, Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima 797001 | 3. (i) Kohima PHE Cicle Office, Kohima & (ii) Mokokchung Circle Office, Mkg |
4. Concerned village |
Frequency of meetings | 1.As and when required | 2. Yet to sit | 3. As & when and where required |
4.As & when/where required |
Can public participate? | 1. No. | 2. No. | 3. Yes | |
Are Minutes of meetings prepared | 1.Yes | 2. will be prepared | 3. Yes | 4.May or may not, as per necessity |
Are Minutes of meetings available to public. If yes provide information about procedure to obtain them | 1. Not available officially; but can be shown on request, through Member Secretary. | 2. Not available officially; but can be shown on request, through Member Secretary. | 3. Yes | 4.Yes, if prepared |
A Directory of its Officers and employees
Directory of its officers & employees:
List of Important Fuctionaries, of the department, with phone Nos.
Sl No. | Name of office | Headquart | Jurisdiction | Name of Incumbent & Telephone |
PHED Directorate | |||||
1 |
i.a.ChiefEngineer PHEDi.b.Addl Chief Engineer, PHED |
Kohima | State of Nagaland | K.Ghushito Sumi Mobile 9436015086 |
Kohima |
State of Nagaland |
Repang Lkr Mobile 9436006161 |
ii.Director, WSSO | Kohima | State of Nagaland | Y.Tep Mobl:9436000732 |
iii.S.E. (Monitoring & Investigation Cell) | Kohima | State of Nagaland | P.Jakpou Khiamniungan Mobile 9436402763 | ||
Circles | |||||
1 | Kohima | Kohima | PHED Divisions of Kohima(U), Kohima(R ), Wokha,Phek and Kiphire |
InashE | |
2 | Dimapur | Kohima | PHED Divisions of Dimapur(U), , Dimapur(R ), Peren, Dimapur Store and Mon | T.Sangtam Mob.9436430264 |
3 | Mokokchung | Mokokchung | PHED Divisions of Mokokchung,Tuensang, Zunheboto and Longleng |
Divisions | |||||
1 | Kohima Rural | Kohima | Kohima District | Vikienyu 8731891337 |
2 | Kohima(Urban) | Kohima | Kohima District | Khetoi Mobl; 9436008021 |
3 | Zunheboto | Zunheboto | Zunheboto District | KITOSHE AYE 9436816213 |
4 | Phek | Phek | Phek District | Imtiakum Mob 9436075096 |
5 | Kiphire | Kiphire | Kiphire District | Gwatilo Tep 9436604953 |
6 | Dimapur Urban | Dimapur urban | Dimapur District | Vikeduolie Mob 9436012280 |
7 | Dimapur(Rural) | Dimapur Rural | Sewerage scheme for Dimapur | Tongpang Mob.9436434236 |
8 | Dimapur Store | Dimapur | Dimapur | Bursangla 9856250507 |
9 | Peren | Peren | Peren District | Vikhosa Khape 9436601654 |
10 | Wokha | Wokha | Wokha District | Vihoto Mobile 9436267120 |
11 | Mokokchung | Mokokchung | Mokokchung District | Yanger Pongen 9436006067 | |
12 | Tuensang | Tuensang | Tuensang and Longleng Districts | Supong Yanger Mob 9436435283 |
13 | Mon | Mon | Mon District | Er. Leyang Mob:9436007256 |
14 | Longleng | Longleng | Longleng District | Imnazulu 9402695159 |
Click Here to read more
Click here to view Work charged employees
The monthly remuneration received by each of its officer & employees including the system of compensation as provided in regulations:
Monthly remunerations and all relevant bio data of each officer and employee are shown in Employees Census Report 2009. The System of compensation does not seem to be applicable to PHE department. Employees Census Report appended in the links below
SE Mkg Circle
Implementation of subsidy programmes:
The PHE Department does not pay any subsidy and is not applicable to the PHE department.
Particulars of recipient of concessions, permits or authorization granted by aid:
The PHE has no system for payment of direct concessions; but Communitisation of water supply and sanitation programme gives a one time grant to beneficiaries of communitisation. The grant is given to beneficiaries; as a percentage commensurate with the value of its available infrastructure, for O & M expenses of the water supply and sanitation installation.
Details information available to, or held by its reduced in an electronic form:
Most of normal written correspondence documents are also available as saved compute files.
Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information:
Means, methods or facilitation available to the public which are adopted by the department for dissemination of information:
� Office Library � Not available
� Drama and shows � Not available
� Through Newspaper � Whenever necessity arise
� Exhibition � On national days such as Republic Day & Independence Day
� Notice Board � Yes, available
� Inspection of records in the office � Yes, periodically
� System of issuing copies of documents � Through Issue and Dispatch Registers and Peon books
� Printed Manual available � Yes, on various matters such as IEC campaign materials, programme
guidelines, Service Rules, NPWD Code, Model Rules of Communitisation etc
� Website of the public authority �
� Other means of advertising � Awareness Campaign Meetings and workshops
The names, designations and other particulars of the public Information Officers:
Sl No. | Name of Office | Name & Designation of PIO | Phone Nos | |
1 | PHE Secretariat | |||
a) Appellate Authority | a). Dr. Moangwati, Secretary | |||
b) PIO | Smti. Akumla Chuba, Joint Secy | |||
c) APIO | Shri. Renbemo Kithan, S.O | 9612292642 (M) | ||
Sl No. | Name of office | Headquart | Jurisdiction | Name of Incumbent & Telephone |
PHED Directorate | ||||||
1 |
i.a.Chief Engineer & FAA PHED
i.b.Addl Chief Engineer, & PIO PHED |
Kohima | State of Nagaland | K.Ghushito Sumi Mobile 9436015086 |
Kohima |
State of Nagaland |
Repang Lkr Mobile 9436006161 |
Investigation Cell) & APIO |
Kohima | State of Nagaland | P.Jakpou Khiamniungan Mobile 9436402763 | |||
Circles and names of PIOs | ||||||
1 | SE Kohima Circle | Kohima | PHED Divisions of Kohima(U), Kohima(R ), Wokha,Phek and Kiphire |
PIO InashE 9436063713 |
2 | SE Dimapur Circle | Kohima | PHED Divisions of Dimapur(U), , Dimapur(R ), Peren, Dimapur Store and Mon | PIO T.Sangtam Mob.9436430264 |
3 | SE Mokokchung Circle | Mokokchung | PHED Divisions of Mokokchung,Tuensang, Zunheboto and Longleng |
PIO T. BENDANGWATI AO 9856448889 |
Divisions and Names of PIOs | ||||||
1 | Kohima Rural | Kohima | Kohima District | PIO Vikienyu 8731891337 |
2 | Kohima(Urban) | Kohima | Kohima District | PIO Khetoi Mobl; 9436008021 |
3 | Zunheboto | Zunheboto | Zunheboto District | PIO KITOSHE AYE 9436816213 |
4 | Phek | Phek | Phek District | PIO Imtiakum Mob 9436075096 |
5 | Kiphire | Kiphire | Kiphire District | PIO Gwatilo Tep 9436604953 |
6 | Dimapur Urban | Dimapur urban | Dimapur District | PIO Vikeduolie Mob 9436012280 |
7 | Dimapur(Rural) | Dimapur Rural | Sewerage scheme for Dimapur | PIO Tongpang Mob.9436434236 |
8 | Dimapur Store | Dimapur | Dimapur | PIO Bursangla 9856250507 |
9 | Peren | Peren | Peren District | PIO Vikhosa Khape 9436601654 |
10 | Wokha | Wokha | Wokha District | PIO Vihoto Mobile 9436267120 |
11 | Mokokchung | Mokokchung | Mokokchung District | PIO Yanger Pongen 9436006067 |
12 | Tuensang | Tuensang | Tuensang Districts | PIO Supong Yanger Mob 9436435283 |
13 | Mon | Mon | Mon District | PIO Er. Leyang Mob:9436007256 |
14 | Longleng | Longleng | Longleng District | PIO Imnazulu 9402695159 |
Sub-Divisios and Names of APIOs.
Sl.No. | Office | Name | Designation | Contact |
1 | Dimapur Rural | R. IMTISOWA | SDO | 9436015456 |
2 | Dimapur Rural | Nirie-e Nisa | SDO | 8730021642 |
3 | Dimapur Rural | Ichirangbe Zeliang | SDO | 9615541951 |
4 | Dimapur Rural | Narisen Y. Jami | SDO | |
5 | DIMAPUR STORE | Hebo Zhimomi | SDO | 9862160601 |
6 | Dimapur Urban | SASHITSUNGBA | SDO | |
7 | Dimapur Urban | W. Thompson Ao | SDO | |
8 | Dimapur Urban | Bendangtola | SDO | 9612881640 |
9 | Dimapur Urban | Myanbemo Ovung | SDO | 8731825343 |
10 | Kiphire | Tinulemba | SDO | |
11 | Kiphire | Akokba Sair | SDO | 9612063233 |
12 | Kohima Rural | Kelhousinyu Solo | SDO | |
13 | Kohima Rural | KIYANEIZO ZATSU | SDO | |
14 | Kohima Rural | Neirilie Khiemiao | SDO | 9436820917 |
15 | Kohima Urban | Theyiesetuo Khruomo | SDO | 9436000506 |
16 | Longleng | Chingteng Kongnyeihu | SDO | 8731832582 |
17 | Mokokchung | MASACHUBA OZUKUM | SDO | |
18 | Mokokchung | P. MAYANG JAMIR | SDO | |
19 | Mokokchung | Toshi Yimchunger | SDO | 8974363908 |
20 | Mokokchung | Imtiyanger T. Imchen | SDO | |
21 | Mon | IMNASANGBA | SDO | |
22 | Mon | Sentiyongdang Imsong | SDO | |
23 | Mon | Levi Anar | SDO | 8730981208 |
24 | Peren | TINU L. LONGCHAR | SDO | |
25 | Peren | Kegwachu Tep | SDO | |
26 | Peren | Thejangulie | SDO | |
27 | Phek | Keviletuo Solo | SDO | |
28 | Phek | LUTHO KATIRY | SDO | 7085982318 |
29 | Phek | Neilhoukholie Chielie | SDO | |
30 | Phek | K. Neitelo Koza | SDO | |
31 | SE Dimapur | Sedevilie Suohu | SDO | 8414982431 |
32 | SE Kohima | Sentimeren | SDO | |
33 | SE Mokokchung | Lanupokyim | SDO | |
34 | Tuensang | R THEPONGSE SANGTAM | SDO | |
35 | Tuensang | Nothongol Kera | SDO | |
36 | Tuensang | Lipoksangla Chang | SDO | |
37 | Wokha | Kedolhuto Punyu | SDO | 9774530983 |
38 | Zunheboto | I. Vinili Sema | SDO | 8974486883 |
39 | Zunheboto | G. Mughalu Sema | SDO | 7005707697 |
40 | Zunheboto | Kenisevi Meyase | SDO | 8119888249 |
Enclosures :
Annexure A: Model Rules of Communitisation
Annexure B : Works Programme/Action Plan 2011-12
Annexure C : Organogram
Annexure D : Salary Statement (Reg. & W/C)
Annexure E : Water Consumer�s Rule