Disclosures Under Sec 4 of Right to  Information Act 2005


Nagaland: Kohima

Right to information and obligations of public authorities

Sec 4 (1)(b) of RTI Act 2005

(i) The particulars of its organisation, functions and duties. Click here

(ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees. Click here

(iii) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability; Click here

(iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions; Click here

(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions; Click here

(vi) a statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control; Click here

(vii) the particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; Click here

(viii) a statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; Click here

(ix) a directory of its officers and employees; Click here

(x) the monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations. Click here

(xi) the budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; Click here

(xii) the manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; Click here

(xiii) particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it; Click here

(xiv) details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; Click here

(xv)  the particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; Click here

(xvi) the names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; Click here

(xvii) such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year; Click here



Government of Nagaland
Economics & Statistics Department
Nagaland: Kohima

(i)          the particulars of its organization, functions and duties;


History and Background of the Organisation:
In 1964, a Statistical Branch headed by a Statistical Officer with a nucleus staff was established under the Administrative and supervisory control of the Secretary to the Govt. of Nagaland, Planning Department. However, in consideration of the importance, necessity and indispensability of Statistical Data by different Govt. Departments for preparation/formulation of various developmental schemes, policies, evaluation etc. the Govt. of Nagaland, Planning & Co-ordination and Community Development Department through a Notification No. STAT/(P)-66/67 dated 20th June, 1969 accorded sanction and upgraded the then Statistical Branch to full-fledged Directorate with its Headquarter at Kohima for direction, control, supervision, guidance of Districts and other set ups under the Department vide para 2 of the above stated Notification. At present, the Department of Economics & Statistics is functioning under the Administrative control of Secretary, Economics & Statistics. The Directorate has a total strength of 564 manpower comprising of (a) Class I-23 (b) Class II-40 (c) Class III-432 and (d) Grade IV-69.

Organizational Chart:
The Department of Economics & Statistics has been functioning as Nodal Department for implementation of all statistical activities in the State. The Department is entrusted with the responsibility of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of socio-economic data to assist the planners and policy makers with factual statistical data to formulate sound economic policy of the State. The Department is functioning under three-tier system i.e. (1) State Level (2) District Level and (3) Block Level.

At the State Level, the Directorate is the apex Statistical Body and functions as Nodal Agency for all Statistical enquiries, investigation, census and survey. It is headed by a Director, one Additional Director, one Joint Director, 5 Deputy Directors and host of Assistant Directors, Statistical Officers and technical & Non-technical staff. The Directorate under the Director coordinates with the other Departments in the State and Govt. of India on all issues pertaining to implementation of Statistical Surveys & Schemes.
The Department has opened Statistical Cell in 26 major Directorates located in Kohima and Dimapur and the Cell are manned by Statistical Personnel some of which are headed by Deputy Director, Asst. Director, Statistical Officers etc depending upon the size of the Directorates. These statistical personnel assist the concerned Directorates in collection, compilation, analysis and preparation of various Statistical Reports.

Administrative Setup in the Districts
District Statistical Office have been established in all the 11(eleven) Districts and headed by District Statistical Officer with a number of supporting staff. The District Statistical Officer co-ordinate and supervise all the Statistical activities within the District and coordinates with the other Departmental agencies on Statistical issues. He is also the District Registrar of Births & Deaths.

A Sub-Inspector of Statistics is posted in 26 R.D. Blocks out of 74 R.D. Blocks to assist and provide guidance to the Block Officers in collection, compilation of various Statistical Reports particularly in the preparation of Village Directory, in collaboration with the Village Level workers.

Nam, Address & Contact Details:
TELEPHONE: -0370-2290592/ 0370-2290358

Functions and Duties: Statistical activities of the Department:

  1. Estimation of State Domestic Product (SDP):

The Department has been estimating annually the State Domestic Product (SDP) which is also call as State income. The purpose of estimation of SDP is to measure the State economic development and also to assess the condition and structure of the State economy. SDP is also one of the best statistical devices to measure the growth of the State economy as well as the living condition of the people. It is through the SDP that the Per Capita Income of the State is determined. During 2015-16, the Gross State Domestic Products at current prices has increased to Rs.19,214 (Q.E) crore from Rs.18237 (P) crore in 2014-15.

  1. National Sample Survey:

This surveys are conducted along with the rest of the country every year under the guidelines of National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) to collect data based information on socio-economic activities such as employment and unemployment, consumer expenditure, enterprises for un-organized sectors etc. Currently, the Department is engaged in the conduct of NSS 74th Round on the subject “Survey on Services Sector”.

   3. Registration of Births & Deaths:
The Department of Economics & Statistics has been functioning as the nodal department for implementation of Registration of Births & Deaths Scheme (Vital Statistics) in Nagaland since 1974 under the central Registration of Births & Deaths Act 1969. The Act envisages among other things, the collection of data on vital events such as births, deaths and still births.
With the implementation of revamped model Registration of Births & Deaths Rules 1999, the State Govt. has appointed the Head teachers of each Govt. LP Schools as the Rural Registrars of Births & Deaths and statistical personnel as the Registrar of Births & Deaths in the urban areas. There are 1213 registrars (1189 rural area and 24 urban) and registration units spread all over the State of Nagaland.     

The Department has been undertaking a number of measures to streamline and to improve the Registration System. Some measures undertaken are as follows:

  1. Distribution of posters/pamphlets carrying the messages of Births & Deaths to Civil Hospitals, Dispensaries and Registration units in villages.


  1. The Department has conducted Block Level Training to all registrars of Births & Deaths during 2004-05 and so far training has been imparted in 52 Blocks out of 74 Blocks in the State. The state level training for Civil Registration System functioning was held on 19th April, 2013 in the Districts under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner.


  1. The 8th Inter-departmental Co-ordination Committee (IDCC) was held on April, 2013 at the Directorate of Economics & Statistics Conference Hall under the Chairmanship of Director of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland.

At the State level, the Secretary to the Govt. of Nagaland, Deptt. Of Eco & Stats is the Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths, the Director of Economics & Statistics is Joint Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths and Deputy Director of Economics & Statistics is the Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths.

At the District Level, the Deputy Commissioner is the District Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths with the District Statistical Officer as the District Registrar of Births & Deaths and the Block Development Officers of every RD Block as the Circle Registrar of Births & Deaths.

  1. Government Employees Census:

Govt. Employees Census is being carried out by the Department every year to update and assess the strength of Govt. employees of the State. So far, the Department had published the Report of the State Govt. Employees Census 2014. As per the report of the State Govt. employees Census 2014, the total no. of Govt. employees is 95909 comprising of all categories of posts viz. Class-I =3988, Class-II=2746, Class-III=64019 and Grade-IV=25156.

  1. Price Statistics:

Price Bulletin is a quarterly as well as yearly publication of the Directorate of Economics & Statistics. Due to fast changing economic scenario, the relative study of movement of retail and wholesale prices of consumer goods, non-consumer goods and building materials have acquired great importance. With a view to study the price of different essential commodities prevailing at different prices/centres of the State, retail price of essential commodities are collected from 8(eight) selected centres along with wholesale prices from Dimapur on weekly basis. Price reports are compiled, analyzed and presented in comparative statement and publishes regularly in the form of quarterly price bulletin. The department has published the State Annual report up to the year 2015 and also the third quarterly report (Oct.-Dec) 2016.

  1. Village Level Development Indicator (VLDI):

As per the directive of the Planning Commission, Govt. of India, statistical data relating to availability of village amenities like Roads. Electricity, Drinking water, Primary health facility, education and sanitation etc. are collected every year. The Department had published the report on VLDI 2014 and 2015 report is under compilation.

  1. Economic Survey:

The Economics Survey of Nagaland is one of the Annual publications of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Since 2014-15, the Department have been presenting the Nagaland Economic Survey in the Budget Session of Nagaland State Legislative Assembly. The Nagaland Economic Survey summarized the various achievement as well as the socio-economic activities undertaken by the State. It also highlights the various schemes and programmes being undertaken by different Departments. The Department has published and presented the Nagaland Economic Survey 2016-17 during the 2017-18 Budget Session of NLA.

  1. Statistical Hand Book:

Statistical Hand Book is one of the major Annual publications of the Department. It contains information relating to all spheres of economic activities being undertaken in the State. The Department has so far published Statistical Hand Book for the year 2015.

  1. Sixth (6th) Economic Census 2013:

Under the aegis of Govt. of India, the 6th Economic Census has been carried out along with the rest of the country covering all the villages and towns. The Economic Census operation collects information of all enterprises engaged in any economic activities such as production and distribution of goods and services in the State. The actual field works in Nagaland started from 14th June to 14th July, 2013 covering 4095 Enumeration Blocks in both Rural and Urban areas by involving manpower of approximately 1800 comprising of Enumerators, Supervisors and Charge Officers. The District Administrative Officers and a host of Officers and Staff from the Directorate of Economics & Statistics were also involved to carry out the operation and progressing.
The sixth Economic Census revealed that there are 60,937 establishments in the State engaging in economic activity other than crop production, plantation, public administration, defence and other social security activities. Out of this 60,937 establishments, Dimapur District has the highest number of establishments with 15,326 (25.2%) and Kiphire District with 901 (1.5%) has the least number of establishments.

  1. Housing Statistics (public undertaking and private sector):

On the behest of the Ministry of Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation under National Building Organization (NBO) New Delhi, the Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES) Nagaland which is the Nodal Agency, has been entrusted by the Ministry to collect Housing Statistics in both public undertaking and private sectors in the State in co-ordination with the Department of PWD (Housing) and Municipal authority.
During 2016-17, the 2016-17 data on housing and building construction statistics was furnished to the National Building organisation.

  1. Environmental Statistics:

Under the guideline of the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, the DES Nagaland has opened Environment Statistics Cell in the Directorate to be headed by a Deputy Director assisted by subordinate Staff. The Cell coordinate with the Statistical Cell attached to the Department of Forest to collect information relating to Environment Statistics.


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(ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees:-


Sl. No. Name& Designation Powers and Duties
1 Shri,Y. Sacheo Ovung,
Head of Department General Administration- All policy & Plan for the development, supervise and guide officer and staff of the Department
2 Shri,Rewelhi  Kronu,
Addl. Director
To assist the Director in all policy matter & Administration of the Department.
3 Shri,Paokhokam Singson,
Joint Director
Establishment, ICT, Motor vehicles, PAC matters, Gender statistics and Environmental statistics
4 Shri,E.Lithungo Lotha, Joint Director SDP, CRS, Economic Survey, Planning & Development, GEC, Publication, Budget Analysis, Economics indicator, Statistical handbook.
5 Shri,Neidilhou Angami, Joint Director NSS, Price statistics, VLDI, Training, Assembly questions, Housing statistics.
6 Shri,Neisatuo Puro,
Deputy Director
CRS, Economic Survey, Planning & Development, GEC, Publication and Public Information Officer (PIO)
7 Shri,Charles N.Kikon,
Deputy Director
SDP, Budget Analysis, IIP, Economic indicator, Misc statistics.
8 Smti.Theyieneinuo Belho,
Deputy Director
Statistical Handbook, Publication, Gender statistics and Environmental statistics
9 Shri,Remchingkangba
Deputy Director & DDO
Establishment & Account, Budget, Motor Vehicle, Stationery
10 Shri,Kezhalelhou Solo, Deputy Director NSS, Price statistics, VLDI, Training, Assembly questions, Housing statistics.
11 Shri,K.Rhanbemo Kithan, Economics & Statistics Officer NSS, APIO
12 Shri,Vikosieto Krose, Economics & Statistics Officer SDP, Budget Analysis, IIP, Economic Survey, Misc and APIO
13 Smti.Holivi Chophi, Economics & Statistics Officer SDP, Economic Survey, Publication.
14 Shri,T.Nukshi Longkumer, Economics & Statistics Officer Govt. Employees Census, Progress report.
15 Smti.Tiajungla, Economics & Statistics Officer Village Level Development Indicator (VLDI), Economic Indicator
16 Shri,David Khutso, Economics & Statistics Officer Price Statistics, VLDI, Assembly question , Training.
17 Smti.Limongi S.Ovung, Economics & Statistics Officer SDP, Gender statistics, Disaster Management
18 Shri,Sedevizo, Economics & Statistics Officer CRS, Handbook, Environmental statistics.
19 Shri,Salvester Chubasenba,
ICT and Nodal Officer
20 Smti.Nophonu,Registrar Pension/Service loan, M.R. Department quarters, Vehicle
21 Shri,Dziivichiilie, Superintendent Accounts & Bill
22 Smti.Neibou Linyu,Superintendent Establishment
23 Shri,Teisongulie Sarah,Superintendent Establishment
24 Smti.Talisangla, Asst. Superintendent Establishment
25 Smti.P.Moainla, Asst.Superintendent Establishment
26 Shri,Kevin Sekhose, Asst. Superintendent Establishment

Details of Duties and Responsibilities of Officers in the Statistical Cells:

Sl. No. Name and Designation Statistical Cell, Duties and Responsibilities
1 Shri .Vilepral Aja,
Addl. Director
Dte. Of Agriculture. Agriculture Census, Crop Cutting Experiment, Agriculture Statistics
2 Shri. Khriesatuo Kerets,
Assistant Director
Chief Er., Irrigation and Flood Control.
Irrigation statistics
3  Shri. Peter Chumdemo, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte. of Vety & AH, Livestock Census, Annual Sample Survey
4 Shri. Aotemsu, Economic & Statistics Officer P.W.D.Traffic Cell
5 Shri.Neikote Dozo
Assistant Director
Dte. Of Agriculture.
6 Shri. Keneilhounyu Daniel I.O.S Dte. Of Industry & Commerce, Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
7 Smti.Nchumbeni Lotha, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte. Of H & F.W, Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
8 Shri.Tsupithong Yimchunger
Economic & Statistics Officer
Dte. of School Education. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
9 Smti. I. Anandy Lotha, Economic & Statistics Officer  PWD (R&B) Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
10 Shri. Beduhu, I.O.S P.W.D (Housing) Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
11 Smti. H Ayimla Esther Yimchunger, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte. Of Rural Development. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
12 Shri.Kuolhousieo Khale, Dy. Director DGP, PHQ. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
13 Shri.A.Temjenmeren, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte. of Sericulture. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
14 Shri.P.Imtilepden, Economic & Statistics Officer Directorate.of Higher Education. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
15 Smti.Henile Kemp, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte of Horticulture. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
16 Smti.Anungla Lemtur, Economic & Statistics Officer Registrar Cooperative. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
17 Shri. Phukhulu Chakhesang Sr. I.O.S Forest Deptt, Forest Statistics Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
18 Smti. N.Bongmai Konyak, Economic & Statistics Officer Labour Commissioner. Analysis, compilation and collection of Statistics.
19 Shri. Wedelo Letro, I.O.S Employment & Craftman Training,
20 (Vacant) Taxes,
21 Smti. Mecienuo, I.O.S Transport, (RTO)
22 Shri. Vandamo Tungoe, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte. Of Food & Civil Supplies
23 Smti. Benita, Economic & Statistics Officer Dte. Of Geology & Mining
24 Shri.Ezonthung Ezung, I.O.S Dte. Of Tourism
25 Shri. Ngabu Tep, I.O.S Dte. Of Fisheries
26 Smti. Akumsenla, Field Investigator Dte. Of Social Welfare



Details of Duties and Responsibilities of Officers in the Districts:

Sl. No. Name and Designation Duties and Responsibilities
1 District Economics & Statistics Officer (DESO) All the 11(eleven) Districts are manned by the District Economics & Statistics Officer along with a host of Technical and Ministerial supporting staff. All activities of Department in the District fall under the purview and functionaries of the DESO. The DESO also acts as a co-ordinator with the Directorate and other Department/Agencies for smooth conduct of survey in the Districts.


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(iii)     The procedures followed in the decision making process;

Decisions are made in the department after a consolidated meeting with the officer and staff both at the Directorate and the District level depending on matter concern. Suggestions and views are discussed in the meetings which are then approved by the Director. It is then forwarded to the Govt. for approval and further prerequisite. Survey Schemes are implemented in the respective identified areas under the close supervision of the Officer in Charge by co-ordinating with the District offices or any other subordinate staff in the Directorate or Cells.
Supervision: Director supervises the overall activities and programmes of the Department. The Additional Director & Joint Director supervises the overall administration of the Directorate.
Accountability: The Officers and Staff are accountable for timely disposal of the works assigned under their jurisdiction.


(iv)             The norms set for discharging in the functions are followed as on Para (iii) above.

The department follows the norms set by Govt. of Nagaland in the Nagaland Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure and also Guidelines of Central/State Schemes, Rules and Regulations.

  (v)               The rules, regulations and records used by its employees to discharge its official functions / duties are carried out as per the terms and conditions laid down in its Departmental Service Rules.

The Department normally follows the instruction, rules and regulations and the instruction issued thereof by the Govt. of Nagaland from time to time.

Sl. No. Name/Title of the document
1 Delegation of Financial Power Rules
2 Nagaland Financial Rule
3 Office procedure (Sect. Manual 1969)
4 Leave Rules (CSS) (L) Rules 1972
5 Nagaland Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules 1967
6 Nagaland Govt. Servants Conduct Rules 1968
7 Nagaland Ministerial Service Rules 2006
8 Nagaland Economics & Statistics Service Rule 1973
9 Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969


(vi)           A statement of categories of document that are held by it or under its control.

Sl. No. Category of documents Subject Held by/ under control
1 Files related Financial record, cash book etc. Cashier
Stock Register DDO
Dispatch Register LDA
Attendance Register Section Controlling Officer of respective section
2 Report files Monthly expenditure statement DDO
Audit report DDO & Cashier
3 Administrative files Office order, Work allocation order Registrar
Administrative correspondence with higher authorities Registrar
Memos issue & related correspondence Registrar
Administrative Circulars/ instructions Registrar
Leave matters Registrar
4 Technical files Technical files Concern section officer
5 Establishment matter Matters related to construction Deputy Director in-charge
Matters related to computer Deputy Director in-charge
Matters related to Training Deputy Director in-charge
Matters related to official tour UDA, Accounts
Transfer & Posting order UDA, Accounts


(vii)           The particulars of any arrangement that exist for consultation with, or Representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

The Department in consultation with the State Govt. initiates Statistical Survey in the State on Need Basis from time to time, which are projected in the State Plan of the Department.
The Department also undertakes several other Statistical Survey schemes under guidance of the Central Government (GOI). Surveys such as National Sample Survey (State Sample) under NSSO, Housing Statistics, under national Building Organisation, estimation of State Domestic Product SDP, under CSO, price statistics, Registration of Births & Deaths etc. These central schemes are formulated in consultation with the Central Ministry concern and implemented as per their direction.


(viii)         A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other Bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purposes of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.   

Directorate of Economics & Statistics has not notified any Committees


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(ix)             Directory of its Officers and Staff are as follows:

Officers in the Directorate (HQ)

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact No. Email ID (If any)
1 Shri. Y. Sacheo Ovung Director 9436607730 ysovung@gmail.com
2 Shri. Vilepral Aja Addl. Director 9436604365
3 Shri.Rewelhi Kronu Addl. Director 9436312096
4 Shri. E.Lithungo Lotha Joint Director 9856038731
5 Shri. Paokhokam Singson Joint Director 9436401078
6 Shri. Neidilhou Angami Joint Director 9436400185
7 Shri. Neisatuo Puro Deputy Director 8413826539
8 Shri.Charles Nchumthung Kikon Deputy Director 8974008311
8 Shri.Remchingkangba Deputy Director
9 Shri. Khrietsolie Whuorie Deputy Director 9774016260
10 Smti.Asangla Ao Deputy Director
11 Smti. Vikeyielienuo Chielie Deputy Director 9612874101
12 Shri.Lhoulabeituo Khezhie Deputy Director 9862556884
13 Shri.A.Chubathung Ezung Deputy Director 9856447792
14 Shri.Kulhiseo.Khale Deputy Director 9856848808
15 Shri. Kezhalelhou Solo Deputy Director
16 Shri.Neikote Dozo Deputy Director 8415068429
17 Smti Theyieneinuo Belho Deputy Director (Ex- cadre) 9436011872
18 Shri. P.Peshie Khiamniungan E.S.O
19 Shri.Khriesatuo Kerets E.S.O 9436211765
20 Smti.Nchumbeni Lotha E.S.O 9856768110
21 Shri. Aotemsu E.S.O 9436205542
22 Shri.Neizekho Angami E.S.O 8974007510
23 Shri.Vandamo Tungoe E.S.O
24 Shri.Akanjongshi Chang E.S.O 9436407248
25 Shri.R.Thsanso Yimchunger E.S.O 9402469307
26 Shri.K.Rhanbemo Kithan E.S.O 9436428305
27 Shri.Vikosieto Krose E.S.O 9856016711
28 Shri.Nyushotho Nyuthe E.S.O 9612076534
29 Smti.Anungla lemtur E.S.O 9436012806
30 Smti.Holivi Chophi E.S.O 7308201653
31 Shri.Holikhum Sangtam E.S.O 9612935772
32 Shri.P.Imtilepden E.S.O 9856950510
33 Shri.Peter Chumdamo E.S.O 9436400457
34 Smti.Binita Jigdung E.S.O 9436002456
35 Shri.T.Nukshi Longkumer E.S.O 9436432976
36 Smti Hinile Kemp E.S.O 9615459549
37 Smti.Tiajungla E.S.O
38 Shri.A.Temjenmeren E.S.O 9436439377
39 Shri M.Akang yimchunger E.S.O 9862884410
40 Smti. I.Anandy Lotha E.S.O
41 Shri. N. Lokhiye Yeptho Sema E.S.O
42 Shri. David Khutso E.S.O 9856206668
43 Shri.Kewekolo Khalo E.S.O
44 Shri. Imnasashi E.S.O
45 Smti. N. Bongmai Konyak E.S.O
  46 Smti.Limongi Ovung E.S.O 9436298724
47 Shri.Sedevizo Ziephru E.S.O 9862175460
48 Smti.H.Ayimla Esther E.S.O 8974614816
49 Shri. Tsupithong Y. Yimchunger E.S.O 9862260307
50 Shri. N. Chanbemo Ovung SR. I.O.S
51 Shri. Y. Nkhomo Kithan SR. I.O.S
52 Shri.Phukhuhu Chakhesang SR. I.O.S
53 Shri. L. Liponthung SR. I.O.S
54 Shri. James Ngully SR. I.O.S
55 Shri. LImayanger Phom SR. I.O.S
56 Shri. Mhonchumo SR. I.O.S
57 Shri. V.S. Tharmi SR. I.O.S
58 Shri. Aoluen SR. I.O.S
59 Shri.Yhunchelo SR. I.O.S
60 Shri. Keneilhounyu Daniel SR. I.O.S
61 Shri. Thunglamo Khuvung SR. I.O.S
62 Shri. Moatemjen SR. I.O.S
63 Smti. Tsuktimenla SR. I.O.S
64 Shri. Sony Thong SR. I.O.S
65 Shri.Kevechilu SR. I.O.S
66 Shri. Vechisayi Vese SR. I.O.S
67 Shri.Longshak Phom SR. I.O.S
68 Shri. Thetsimong Sangtam SR. I.O.S
69 Shri.Salvester Chubasenba Programme Officer 8575200476
70 Shri.Dzuvichulie Chatsü Registrar 9436001879
71 Smti.Neibou Linyu Superintendent 9615329814
72 Shri.Teisongulie Sarah Superintendent 9402009115
73 Smti.Talisongla Superintendent 9774934090
74 Smti.P.Moainla Asst.Superintendent 9436651049
75 Shri. Kevin Keneitsolie Sekhose Asst.Superintendent
76 Smti. Petevinuo Nguzhu Asst.Superintendent


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      (x)    The monthly  remuneration received by each officers and employees 

EMPLOYEE NAME Father’s / Husband’s Name GENDER Educational Qualification Designation Status of Service Date of Birth Date of entry into service/  First Appmnt Date of appointment to present post Place of posting Date of retirement Pay Band Grade Pay Gross Salary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Shri. I. Himato Zhimomi Lhezhe M M.A (Pol.Sc) Commissioner & Secretary Ex-Cadre 16/12/1968 Sept.1993 into IFS Feb. 2009 Secretariat Dec. 2028 59,310/- 10000 1,80,815
2 Shri. Lhiwete Chirhah Lt. Kewetsolo Chirhah M Matriculate Dy. Secy Confirmed 01/04/1961 07/04/1983 17/06/2016 Secretariat 30/04/2018 20,870 7600 71,958
3 Smti. Rabeni Kikon Vanthungo Odyuo F Graduate Under Secretary Confirmed 14/03/1964 15/01/1988 17/06/2016 Secretariat 30/01/2023 15,600 6600 63,106
4 Shri. A. Sethrongchem Sangtam Atsali Sangtam M B.Com Section Officer Confirmed 11/11/1973 29/04/1999 08/08/2016 Secretariat 30/11/2033 15,600 5700 52,848
5 Shri. Imti Aier Mapuwati M Graduate J.S.O Confirmed 30/01/1978 06/10/2004 12/12/2016 Secretariat 31/01/2038 9,300 4600 45,001
6 Shri.Toking Yimchunger Hothrong Yim M MA Secretariat Asst. Confirmed 05/12/1984 02/12/2016 02/12/2016 Secretariat 31/12/1944 9300 4200 37,800
7 Shri. Eyilo Kikon Lochamo Kikon M VIII Office Peon Fixed 15/06/1980 24/06/2003 24/06/2003 Secretariat 30/06/1938 Nil Nil 3450
8 Smti. Rhonbeni Zubemo Ovung F P.U Office Peon Regular 03/04/1990 03/08/2017 03/08/2017 Secretariat 31/03/2050 4940 1400 17,000
9 Shri. Boto Chishi Lt. L.Khetoho M P.U Attached Peon Regular 02/09/1982 22/05/2014 22/05/2014 Secretariat 28/02/1942 4940 1400 19,700
10 Smti. Yarmenla Lt. Sangyu F Matriculate Typist Fixed 01/01/1968 20/10/1992 20/10/1992 Secretariat 31/10/2027 Nil Nil 3950


District Wise



(xi)             Budget allocation of the Department is at Annexure � II.


click here


      (xii)   The Manner of execution of subsidy programme, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.

The Department does not have any of such schemes or subsidy under its jurisdiction.


(xiii)        Particulars of recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorizations granted by it.

The department does not have any particulars of recipients of concession or permit except authorization to issue of Birth Certificate & Death Certificate, under Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969


(xiv)         The details in respect of the information, available to or held by it,reduced in an electronic form.

Name Title of the Document/Record Location where available Other information
1 Manuals of the Office Procedure www.statistics.nagaland.gov.in
2 Right to Information Act 2005 www.statistics.nagaland.gov.in
3 Guidelines for Registration of Births & Deaths Directorate
4 Nagaland Economics & Statistics Service Rule, 2010 www.statistics.nagaland.gov.in
5 Annual Administrative Reports www.statistics.nagaland.gov.in
6 Nagaland Statistical Handbook www.statistics.nagaland.gov.in


(xv)   The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use :

Sl.No Facilities available Nature of information available Working hours
1 Notice board


Notices, Circulars, Poster, Charts etc


All working days

(10:00 Am to 4:00 Pm)


2 Printed manuals


Annual administrative report, , Handbook, VLDI, State Domestic Product(SDP), Statistical Abstract, Economic Indicator, Economic Survey,

Price Report, Employee census and other publication of the Department.



All working days

(10:00 Am to 4:00 Pm)


3 System of issuing

of document



Both hard and soft copies


All working days

(10:00 Am to 4:00 Pm)



(xvi)    The names, designation and other particulars of the Public Information officer


Public Information Officer

Department of Economics & Statistics (Secretariat)

Sl. No. Name of Incumbent Designation Contact No.
1 Shri. I. Himato Zhimomi, Appellate Authority Commissioner & Secretary 9436061415
2 (Incumbent retired), PIO
3 Shri. A. Sethrongchem Sangtam, APIO Section Officer 8974343649


Directorate of Economics & Statistics

Sl. No. Name of Incumbent Designation Contact No. Email ID
1 Y.Sacheo Ovung, Appellate Authority Director 9436063516 ysovung@gmail.com
2 Neisatuo Puro, (PIO) Deputy Director, DES 8729880289 npurocxn@gmail.com
3 K.Rhanbemo Kithan, (APIO) E.S.O 8974451930 rhankithan@gmail.com
4 Vikosieto Krose, (APIO) E.S.O 9856016711 vikosietokrose@gmail.com
5 Shri. Khrietsolie Whuorie DSO, Kohima 9774016260
6 Lhoulabietuo (APIO) DSO, Dimapur 9862556884
7 Shri. N.Lokiyie Yeptho Sema (APIO) DSO, Zunheboto 8416015251
8 R. Thanso (APIO) DSO, Tuensang 9862964373
9 Neizekho (APIO) DSO, Mon 8974007510
10 Akangjungshi  chang (APIO) DSO, Kiphire 9436407248
11 Smti. Vikeyielienuo Chielie (APIO) DSO, Peren 9612874101
12 A.Chubathung Ezung (APIO) DSO, Wokha 9856447792
13 Smti. Asangla Ao (APIO) DSO, Mokokchung 9856021364
14 Shri.Kewekolo Khalo APIO DSO, Phek 9436830033
15 Shri. Holikhum (APIO) DSO, Longleng 9612442824


(xvii)   Any other information.             

Date of last updation of the RTI Proactive Disclosure: 31st july 2017



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