Disclosures Under Sec 4 of Right to  Information Act 2005

Technical Education

Right to information and obligations of public authorities

Sec 4 (1)(b) of RTI Act 2005

(i) The particulars of its organisation, functions and duties.Click here

(ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees.Click here

(iii) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability;Click here

(iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions;Click here

(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions;Click here

(vi) a statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control;Click here

(vii) the particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof;Click here

(viii) a statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public;Click here

(ix) a directory of its officers and employees;Click here

(x) the monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations.Click here

(xi) the budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made;Click here

(xii) the manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes;Click here

(xiii) particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it;Click here

(xiv) details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form;Click here

(xv)  the particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;Click here

(xvi) the names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers;Click here

(xvii) such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year;Click here


Technical Education

MANUAL – I : Particular of the Organisation, Functions and Duties


To promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority and to empower the citizens to secure access to information under the control of each public authority, the Government of India has enacted “The Right to Information Act, 2005” which came into force on 15th June 2005. In accordance with the provisions of section 4(1) (b) of this Act, this manual has been brought out.

The purpose of this manual is to inform the general public about Technical Education Department’s organizational structure, functions and duties of its officers and employees, records and documents that are available with the Department.

This manual is aimed at the public in general and user of the services, and provides information about the schemes, projects and programmes being implemented by this Department.

Procedure and Fee structure for getting informations:

  1. A person who desires to obtain any information under sub-section 1 of section 6 of the Right to Information Act, 2005, shall make a request in writing in English either in person or by post to the Public Information Officer mentioned in Chapter 17, specifying the particulars of the information sought by him or her. Such application is to be accompanied by an application fee of Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) in cash or demand draft in favour of the Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima.
  2. For providing information under sub-section (1) of section 7 and sub-section (5) of section 7 of the Right to Information Act, the request shall be made as at (a) above and ‘further fee’ representing the cost of providing the information should be paid (cost for stationeries etc.)


Manual (i)
 Organization, functions and duties.

Technical Education Department, Nagaland, is still a relatively young department. Initially, Technical Education was under the Department of School Education, Nagaland. Out of this, the Department of Higher & Technical Education came into existence in 1983; and then in the year 2009 the Technical Education of Nagaland became a full-fledged Directorate.

The first polytechnic in Nagaland, Nagaland Polytechnic later renamed as Khelhoshe Polytechnic Atoizu, was established in 1972. Initially, the Polytechnic was under  the “State Council for Technical Education, Assam”. In 1986, the polytechnic came under the State Council for Technical Education (SCTE), Nagaland, Kohima.

Subsequently Women polytechnic, now Government Polytechnic, Kohima, and Institute of Communication & Information Technology, Mokokchung, were also established in 1994 and 2003 respectively.

The polytechnics offer various 3-year diploma programmes.


Directorate of Technical Education:

  • To administer the Government (and Government Aided) polytechnics.
  • To impart Technical Education.
  • To supervise and direct the implementation of all schemes for expansion and improvement in the institutions.
  • To initiate proposals for expansion and improvement of Technical Education and Training at all levels for the consideration by the Board (SCTE)  and to supervise and direct the implementation of all recommendations made by the Board and accepted by the Government.
  • To maintain liaison between the Department and the Eastern Regional office of AICTE



  • To provide ‘state of the art’ technological education
  • To implement the best possible Technical education given to teachers and students
  • To reform the syllabi to suit the needs of the industries and community.

Organizational Structure

Click here to view Secretariat Organizational Structure

Click here to view Directorate Organizational Structure

  1. Polytechnics:

At present there are 3 (three) polytechnics under the Directorate of Technical Education. Each polytechnic is headed by a Principal. The 3 polytechnics are:

  1. Khelhoshe Polytechnic, Atoizu:

This polytechnic is located in Zunheboto district (about 174kms from the State capital). Diploma programmes offered in this institute are: (a) Civil Engineering (b) Electrical& Electronics Engineering (c) Mechanical Engineering and (d) Automobile Engineering.

  1. Government Polytechnic, Kohima:

In this Polytechnic, three different diploma programmes (courses) are offered; namely: (a) Computer Science & Engineering (b) Modern office Practice and (c) Fashion design & Apparel production. The Institute is situated on the outskirt of Kohima town.

  1. Institute of Communication and Information Technology (ICIT), Mokokchung:

This institute offers 3 (three) diploma programmes, namely: (a) Computer Engineering (b) Information Technology and (c) Electronics and Communication Engineering. The Institute is located about 150 kms away from the State capital.


The general organizational set up of the polytechnics is shown below.
Note: GPK & ICIT, Mkg. do not have Administrative Officer or Vice-Principal

Click here to view Polytechnic Organizational chart


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MANUAL – II : Power and duties of Officers and Employees.

(B) Directorate:

Designation                                                  Duties

Head of Department

Additional Director:
Commercial Training Institutes, ID Cards, Administrative report, Diploma admission outside state, New Polytechnics, Tour programs

OSD: Central assisted Projects, Court related matters,. Scholarship, Budget, Planning and account, Establishments both Directorate and Polytechnics, NIT, New polytechnics,
OSD: Administrative Reports, Transportation, Phone & Electricity bills, Flying school, RTI,

Controller of Examinations:
Conduct of Diploma Entrance Examination, Admission in polytechnics, Conduct of examinations in respect of polytechnics, SCTE, AICTE related matters, RTI related matters.

Placement Officer: JEE, NSEE, Foreign studies, NBA

Superintendent: Establishment, Stock Register (general), Assembly related matters, RTI, matters not assigned to any assistant

Asstt. Supdt.: JEE, Foreign studies, Diploma admission outside state, new polytechnics, admission to private Engineering colleges, Reservation of seats, scholarships.

Cashier: Bills, Re-appropriation, Authentication, Cash Books, Audits, Budget & planning, Accounts, Revenue and Pensions

(C) Polytechnics:

 Administration, DDO, Budget, planning & Account

Teaching, conduct of examinations, conduct of short term courses (Community college etc) Co-curricular related matters, Industrial trainings, etc

Head Assistant:
Establishment, Attendance of staff,

Bills, accounts, Audit

Cash books, disbursement of salaries etc

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MANUAL – III : The procedure followed in decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability.


  • Secretariat:

As per Government procedures and policies.


  • Directorate:

The procedures followed in the Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland, regarding decision making is elucidated in the following paragraphs.

Perusal and Distribution Procedure:

  • All incoming letters/packages are received by the “Dispatch section” , sorted out section-wise, numbered stamped with date of its receipt and submitted to the Director/H.O.D for his perusal and instruction.
  • After perusal by the H.O.D., the papers/letters are sorted out by the PA to the Director and sent to the respective section Heads. Envelopes addressed to officers by name and those marked confidential are opened by the officers to whom letters are addressed.
  • After perusal by the Section Heads the papers are sent to Section Superintendent and distributed to Section Assistants. The papers are then registered in their in their personal register.

Action Taken procedure:

  • If any paper relates to an unclosed case, the Section Assistant adds the paper to the current or note file of the case, otherwise he puts each paper in an appropriate apd and the paper thus become a ‘case’. He then obtains previous papers, if any, in the section, referred to in the current note file and, takes necessary further action. Such action may be obtaining of previous papers or precedents, the  preparation of precise, the writing of a brief note stating the points for orders and, the drafting of an order, endorsement etc., in accordance with an established precedent.
  • The section superintendent after making any revision of, or addition to, the Section superintendent note or draft or putting a fresh one, submit to the section Head. The officer to whom the case is submitted direct further action to be taken or suggest clearly the nature of the disposal to be made or the orders to be passed in each case. (the section head himself attends to important case which involves interpretation of Acts and Rules, preparation of notes for Public Account Committee, etc.)
  • The case is finally submitted to the H.O. D./ Director for his specific orders. On return the Section Head passes it on with instruction to his section Superintendent or Section Assistant for further necessary action.
  • The disposal as approved takes the form of orders, letter, endorsement, official reply etc. It is numbered and dated by the Section Assistant of the concerned section. All confidential papers are sealed in the concerned section and sent to the dispatch section while other papers are dispatched by the Dispatch Section directly.
  • Polytechnics:

The polytechnics follow similar procedures for decision making as described above.



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MANUAL – IV : The norms set for discharge of functions.

The department has not set any separate norms for the discharge of its functions; however the norms and guidelines set by the government of Nagaland, applicable to all the departments, are adhered to by this department also. Some of the commonly used Acts/Rules/Norms are given below:

  1. The norms and standards as laid down by the All India Council for Technical Education.
  2. Instruction given by the Government from time to time.
  3. Nagaland Civil Service Rules.
  4. Nagaland Government Financial Rules.


Time Norms:

  • Normal letter/ Correspondence: All letters/correspondence other than urgent letters are to be attended to or replied within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the  letter.
  • Urgent letters/matters: Urgent letters are to be attended to or replied within 3 (three) days of receipt of the letter.
  • Immediate letters/matters: All matters with the instruction “immediate” are to be taken up immediately.


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MANUAL – V :  The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

The Department woks on the basis of the following rules/instructions:

  1. Nagaland Civil Service Rules
  2. Nagaland Financial Rules
  3. Budget Manuals
  4. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) rules and regulations for establishing new institutes, or running technical institutes, norms of recruitment of teachers, etc



Besides the above mentioned rule/regulations/instructions/ manuals, the Directorate also possesses the Organizational Structures and Work Distribution Charts for discharging its functions



The polytechnics are also governed by the same rules and regulations. The institutes also functions according to the Academic calendar, Class routines.

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MANUAL – VI : A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control.


DDO-wise sub-allotment of funds for the Department, including that of polytechnics.

Records/List of government stipend/ scholarship granted to student under study of Engineering programs.

Result of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and Diploma Entrance Examination (DEE)

Detailed results of students in polytechnics (of the State Government).

Documents pertaining to assets/stock register of the Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland

Documents pertaining to commercial training centers

Administrative Reports.


Budget allotment for the Polytechnics

Detailed results of students in polytechnics (of the State Government).

Documents pertaining to assets/stock register of the polytechnic

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MANUAL – VII : The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or administration.


At present there is no provision or implementation to seek direct consultation/participation of public or its representative for formulating the rules and regulations or policies of this Department.

However, in order to advice the State Government in all matters relating to Technical Education, the Government has constituted State Council for Technical Education (SCTE) and State Level Committee. In the former, the Minister of the concerned Department is the Chairman while its members are drawn from various government departments/organizations such as Industries, Nagaland; PWD, Nagaland; PHE, Nagaland; AICTE, Eastern Region; Nagaland University; Nagaland Board of School Education; Polytechnics; NITTTR, etc. In the latter, the Commissioner & Secretary of the Department is the Chairman, and its members are from different organizations.

The Department has also hoisted a website: http:// nagatechnicaledu.nic.in through which the general public can register their response.

The public, who are satisfied/ aggrieved by the response of the ministerial staff, may also approach the higher level officer and represent their issue.


At the polytechnic level, there is an Advisory Board to look after the welfare of the polytechnic. The Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District is the Chairman of the Advisory Board, while its members include the Principal of the Institute, SDO (civil), G.B.s etc.


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MANUAL – VIII :  A statement of boards, Council, Committees and other bodies constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, Council, Committees and other bodies are open to public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.



  • State Council for Technical Education (SCTE), with the Minister of the Department as the Chairman and the Director of Technical Education (Directorate) as Member Secretary.


  • State Level Committee (SLC) , with the Secretary of the Department as Chairman and the Controller of Examination, SCTE, Nagaland as Member Secretary. Its other members are from AICTE, Nagaland University, and from the Department itself.


  • Examination Committee: The Director of the Department is the Chairman and the Controller of examination, SCTE, is the Member Secretary. Its members includes Principals of the polytechnics or Representatives from the polytechnics.

The decision taken in these meetings are circulated as notification/orders. Hence they are accessible to the public



At the polytechnic level, there is an Advisory Board to look after the welfare of the polytechnic. The Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District is the Chairman of the Advisory Board, while its members include the Principal of the Institute, SDO (civil), G.B.s etc.

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MANUAL – IX : A directory of its officers and employees.

Sl.                    Name & Designation                                                           Phone No.

  1.                 Smti. Dellirose M. Sakhrie                                 9436005190
    Commissioner & Secretary
  2. Rongsenrenla                                                 9436005120
    Addl. Secretary
  3. Erebe                                                           9862352182
    Under Secretary
  4.                 Ms Animi Lotha                                               7005527978
    Under Secretary

1.                 Er. Arjun Singh                                               – 0370-2270416

  1.                 Er. Razou Vizo                                                – 9436001741
    Addl. Director
  2. Er. Vipulhou Lhoungu                                              – 9436005104
    O.S.D. (T)
  3.                 Shri. Weprenyi Khutso                                      – 9436077745
    OSD (G) (APIO)
  4.                Shri. Tiakaba Amer                                          -9436019863
    Project Diector (PIO)6.                 Shri. Zhapulhoulie Rupreo                                –  8974803847
    Controller of Examinations (SCTE)/

    7.                 Smti. K. Miachieo                                            –  9856852404
    Placement Officer

  5. 8.                     Sevotso Lase  – 8974883079
    Account Officer
  6.                 Shri. Khrieketoulie Rupreo                                 – 9436001378
    Dy. Director
  7.               Shri Rongsensashi                                           -9436005716
  8. Pratsolie Mere                                                – 9402832325
  9. Kumsangnochet                                             – 9436831975
    Asstt. Superintendent
  10.               Imsomenba                                                    – 9436435593
    Asstt. Technical Officer


1.                 Shri. Mhaseto Nakro                                       – 9436070712
Principal/PIO, Khelhoshe Polytechnic, Atoizu

2.                 Shri. Ruokuobeilie Mere                                    –  9402992770

3.                 Shri. K. Rhutso                                                –  8974342919
Principal/PIO, Government Polytechnic, Kohima

4.                 Smti. Kerehienuo                                             –  9402489781

5.                 Shri. David Tsela                                             –  9436011205
Principal/ PIO, Institute of Communication
& Information Technology, Mokokchung

6.                 Smti. L. Bendangsenla                                      – 9436439508

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MANUAL – X:  The monthly Remuneration received by each of its Officers and employees including the system of Compensation as provided in 


Manual 10


  1. Directorate
  2. Khelhoshe Polytechnic Atoizu
  3. Government Polytechnic Kohima
  4. Institute of Communication & Information Technology, Mokokchung


Sl. No. Major Head/Minor Heads of Development Annual Plan 2012-13 Name of Treasury
State Plan Non-Plan CSS Total
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
  2203-Technical Education Kohima (North)
2203-00-001 Direction & Administration                                                                                             2203-00-001 (1) Direction
1 Salaries 145.34
2 Wages 4.50
3 Travel Expenses 8.75
4 Office Expenses 7.00
5 Motor Vehicle 8.99
6 Materials & Supplies 11.00
7 Machinery & Equipment 17.00
8 Rent, Rates & Taxes 3.00
9 Adv/ Publicity
10 Industrial Training
11 Professional & Spl service
12 Repair Maintenance 1.00
13 Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
2203-00-001:Total   206.23  
  2203-00-105-Polytechnics                                                                                                                                                           2203-00-105(1) Principal, Khelhoshe Polytechnic, Atoizu. Zunheboto Treasury
1 Salaries 388.26
2 Wages 5.00
3 Travel Expenses 2.50
4 Office Expenses 2.00
5 Motor Vehicles 3.00
6 Material & Supplies 9.00
7 Machinery & Equipments 12.00
8 Maintenance/ Repair 27.00
9 Industrial Training /Excursion
10 Rent, Rates & Taxes 3.00
2203-105(1): Total   451.76    
  2203-00-105 Polytechnics                                                                                                                                          2203-00-105(2) Govt. Polytechnic Kohima Kohima (North)
1 Salaries 169.65
2 Wages 4.71
3 Travel Expenses 1.75
4 Office Expenses 3.00
5 Motor Vehicle 2.50
6 Material & Supplies 3.00
7 Machinery & Equipments 7.00
8 Maintenance/ Repair 2.00
9 Industrial Training 3.00
10 Rent, Rates & Taxes 3.50
2203-00-001: Total 200.11  
2203-00-105 Polytechnics                                                                                                2203-00-105-(4) ICIT, Mokokchung Mokokchung Treasury
1 Salaries 75.60
2 Wages 10.00
3 Travel Expenses 2.00
4 Office Expenses 3.00
5 Motor Vehicle 2.50
6 Material & Supplies 4.00
7 Machinery & Equipments 4.00
8 Maintenance/ Repair 2.00
9 Industrial Training
10 Rent, Rates & Taxes 2.00
2203-00- 001 : Total 105.10.  
2203-00-107 Scholarships                        
2203-00-107(1)Technical Scholarship 164.96 Kohima (North)
Merit Cum Means based Minority Scho. 302.24
2203-00-001: Total   164.96 302.24  
Grand Total : Revenue Section   1128.16    
CAPITAL SECTION : Kohima (North)
4202   Capital Outlay on Education Sports, Art & Culture
4202-02  Technical Education
4202-02-104  Polytechnics
1 Community Development through Polytechnic at Government Polytechnic, Kohima 8.00
2 Const.of Women Hostel GPK & KPA 20.00
3 Upgradation of ICIT, Mokokchung & GPK 63.00
4 New Polytechnics 445.00
5 Infrastructure of ICIT
  4202 – 020 – 104 (2) : Total     536.00  
4202-02-104, 104(2)
1 Commercial Pilot Licence Training (CLP) at Aligarh
2 Community Development through Polytechnic
4202-02-104, 104(2) : Total      
Total  :  Capital Section      
Grand Total   1128.16 838.24  
Note: -An amount of Rs. 3.00 lakhs (Rupees three lakhs under sub Head advertisement & Publicity has been directly credited to IPR Department from the Finance Department to clear up the pending bills.
Total 1131.16
Grand Total 1969.40



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MANUAL – XII :Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amount allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.

Stipend/Scholarships for study of Diploma and Degree Engineering programs (2014-15)

Amount allocated and details of beneficiaries yet to be verified and disbursed. The total amount allocated in respect of various schemes of scholarship is as given below.

Scheme                                                                  Total Amount (in Rs.)

  1. State Technical Scholarship                               16500000.00


  1. Merit-cum-means based scholarship                     Information not available as the matter is directly dealt by the concerned Union Ministry

Scheme of scholarship granted under the Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima


Sl. No. Name of Scholarship Course Rate (With effect from date of joining Book grant
1st Installment 2nd Installment
1 State Technical Scholarship/ Stipend 1. M. Tech. Engg. Rs. 1,000/-p.m. Rs. 3000/- Rs. 4000/-
2. Degree Engg. Rs. 800/-p.m. Rs. 3000/- Rs. 3000/-
3. Diploma Engg. Rs. 500/-p.m. Rs. 3000/- (onetime payment for the whole course)
2 Merit-cum-means based Minority Scholarship (Centrally sponsored scheme) Technical & Professional courses Maintenance allowance for hosteller @ Rs. 1000/- p.m. Max. Rs. 10,000/- per annum
Maintenance allowance for day scholar @ Rs. 500/- p.m. Max. Rs. 5000/- per annum
Course fee for listed Institute full refundable
Course fee for non-listed Institute max. @ Rs. 20000/-



N.B.: Under Minority: 1. No. of students eligible – 679 (Christian: 567, Muslim: 12)
2. Parents’ annual income, max. Rs. 2.50 lacs & below.
3. Eligibility: 50% of marks in HSSLC.


MANUAL – XIII :Particulars of recipients of concessions permits or authorisations granted by it.


Seats reserved in study of Diploma within the State


Sl. No. Reservation Percentage
1 Backward Tribe 15%
2 Women Reservation 10%
3 Differently-abled person 3%



Seats reserved in study of Degree in Engineering and Medical within/outside the State


Sl. No. Reservation Percentage
1 Backward tribes of Nagaland 15%


Selection procedure for study of Diploma in various programmes is through Diploma Entrance Examination conducted by the Department every year.


Selection procedure for study of degree in engineering and related courses is through Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) (Main) conducted by the CBSE every year.
MBBS/BDS and allied courses is through Nagaland State Entrance Examination (NSEE).

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MANUAL – XIV : Details of Information available in electronic format.


  1. Entrance Examinations for degree course:Information related  to JEE (main) and AIPMT,   application forms for Engineering allied courses, Medical and allied courses available at department’s website:http://www.dtenagaland.org.in


  1.       Diploma Entrance Examination:
    Related information available at websitehttp://www.dtenagaland.org.in


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MANUAL – XV : Particulars of the facilities available to citizens for attaining information. Very important informations are given as press release or news items for wider discrimination. However, the Directorate also has the following facilities.

The following facilities are available to citizens for dissemination of information about this Department:

  • Notice Board of the Department
  • Notifications/Advertisements in the Newspapers
  • Department website: :iresultfly. com


Library: Working Hours: 0900- 1530 hours

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MANUAL – XVI : The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.


1.                     Er. Arjun Singh                                               – 0370-2270416
Director/ Appellate Authority

  1.                Shri. Tiakaba Amer                                          -9436019863
    Project Diector (PIO)3.                 Shri. Weprenyi Khutso                                      – 9436077745
    OSD (G) (APIO)


Khelhoshe Polytechnic Atoizu

  1.                 Shri. Mhaseto Nakro                                       – 9436070712
    Principal/PIO, Khelhoshe Polytechnic, Atoizu2.                 Shri. Ruokuobeilie Mere                                    –  9402992770

Government Polytechnic, Kohima
1.                 Shri. K. Rhutso                                                –  8974342919
Principal/PIO, Government Polytechnic, Kohima

2.                 Smti. Kerehienuo                                             –  9402489781


ICIT, Mokokchung
1.                 Shri. David Tsela                                             –  9436011205
Principal/ PIO, Institute of Communication
& Information Technology, Mokokchung

2.                 Smti. L. Bendangsenla                                      – 9436439508

MANUAL  –  XVII : Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter updated  every year.


  1. Entrance Examinations for degree course:Information related to JEE (main) and AIPMT, NSEE, application forms for Engineering allied courses, Medical and allied courses available at department’s website:http://www.dtenagaland.org.in


  1.        Diploma Entrance Examination:
    Related information available at websitehttp://www.dtenagaland.org.in



Manual (xv)
Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.


The following facilities are available to citizens for dissemination of information about this Department:

  • Notice Board of the Department
  • Notifications/Advertisements in the Newspapers

Department website: : http://www.dtenagaland.org.in



Library: Working Hours: 0900- 1530 hours


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